Gettysburg! Online Society - Picard's Charge@Team Musketeer's

Team info

You are a history buff or interested in ACW (American Civil War), comps or gaming? You are interested in the future, science and man's progress too? Then you should consider joining Picard's Charge.

We are a few players or former players of Sid Meier's legendary Gettysburg! strategy game (go to Gamespy if you want to join us) and their buddies just using idle CPU time to engage in important science projects to help mankind survive itself.

We are trying to focus on quality projects, most of them awarded with the seal of approval. We enjoy crunching as a small, but effective team. New members from all nations are however always welcome!

The team is closed for new members since all of our core members joined Team Musketeer's where we carry on with our work in a strong community.

If you are interested in joining Team Musketeer's, you should have a look at our home page

Web site
Total credit5,074,568
Recent average credit0
Cross-project statsSETIBZH
Message boardThreads: 2
Posts: 2
Last post: 5026 days ago
Founder PCFounder
New members in last day0
Total members3 (view)
Active members0 (view)
Members with credit1 (view)