
Here we share documents for the promotion of the project and public outreach.
Please, feel free to link, distribute and use this material to help us promote the project too.


gpugrid t-shirt

Want to sell yourself some GPUGRID-PS3GRID merchandising? Feel free to use this copyrighted material to produce and even resell these t-shirts on ebay as long as it is clearly specified the disclaimer below. If then you want to make a project donation, this would be helpful, but it is at your discretion. [Download originals].

DISCLAIMER: The project does NOT have any direct or implied relation with the product.


talking about gpugrid
  • "Festa de la Ciència", Barcelona (Jun 08) | slides
  • "Expanding the frontiers of Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Biology", Barcelona (Nov 09) | poster


gpugrid brochure

Help us promoting gpugrid. Print this brochure and distribute it around you.

  • brochure: [pdf].
